
In Medias Res

Oh bless the light of day when Persephone walks on the blooming Earth and laughs the flowers alive

For I bless my daily food, thy lips, and prepare for breakfast

When Apollo takes his chariot and rides across the clearest sky

we cherish this fleeting moment and seek for the pleasures of the sun

Let Eros take my mind and sweet Agape bless my soul

For thy god I pray; ravish me like a treacherous crusade

How amorous is this splendid season

when the night sky sends its stars to breed on Earth and build nests of shimmering gold to clothe its mortal creatures

Oh my sweet summer child for how I dread for winter

when the sun has run out of her kisses and golden threads of silk don’t keep you warm no more

When the breathing Earth stands still, quiet as the creeping ice and the light of day is stolen by rapacious night

Will thy love still keep me warm when the grief of Demeter has fallen over the fields where we used to chase each other’s lips under the gaze of playful Artemis

Naked as the nymphs who dance in the aestival moonlight

For now we gaze upon the splendid sea, the breath of Notos in our hair as we ride upon the waves by the bridge of Venus unknowing of the darkness below

I sigh most ardently and mournfully let the seasons flow

Amor Meus Aeternus 

To love your soul fully 

that no cage can capture, nor human form endure 

I will always recognise you by the brush of your lingering shadow 

When stars fall with burning wings over the sea of tranquility 

we can trace the scalds on our boiling bodies to build our own map of inferno 

Facing you without a trace of remorse 

will wake my body from its shallow grave 

just to meet you at the Pearly Gates once more 

and hear our marriage of charred hearts denounced 

I shall let my serpentine vines wind around your blooming branches on our way to Hades 

and even in the haze of oblivion 

Liberated by inosculation, we can find the path into Elysium 

Corpus Delicti 

The armies of the innocent march upon this hallowed ground 

like crickets feeding on the fertile crop underfoot 

The snakes that crawl out of the mouths of angels of glory 

always find a hearty soul to devour 

I envy the subtle serpent that resides inside your tender heart 

for it rests on the most luxurious of cushions and drinks the ambrosia that is your vital blood 

Give me the bitter kiss of Judas 

and cut my hair like Delilah 

for my redemption lies on your volatile soul 

ready to catch fire 

Give me poison from the vines of Sodom 

to wet my cracked lips as I speak 

for as a lawyer has reason, I speak the truth 

and as a thief has riches, I have love in my heart 

The journey to court of Solomon is paid with coins taken from the eyes of the dead 

Only an affliction called resurrection 

can set these bodies free 

Ante Meridiem  

Angel feathers on the floor 

A rumpled bed, two sheets to the wind 

Break of dawn, and light 


Come morning light 

and wash away my tormenting sleep 

bring me the promising tomorrow 

where all the undone accomplishments lie 

Use me as a marionette of morn 

when you breathe life into the waking world 

chase away the lingering shadows 

that lurk in the darkest of corners 

whispering words of poisoned wisdom into the ears of the damned 

Show me the beauty in the rays of the sun 

that hides in the open 

let the radiance of daybreak light my way over the moors of my irritated soul 

There is peace to be found in the lack of darkness 

But now the stars are gone 

and I’m lost at sea 

there is no night sky to guide me towards my purpose 

and the searing sun burns my naked skin 

and my drying mouth begs for rain to open up the clear skies of this barren cocktail hour 

come dusk and twilight 

and bring back my cursed dream 

and in my delirium I will cherish the memory 

of the light that once gently blinded my eyes  

and showed me a world without The Delicious Sin

La Petite Mort 

Mine appetite for thee is insatiable 

the sweet corruption of flesh 

a small death, rapture of a loving soul 

For the power to turn anger into love is worthy of worship 

and thus I lay the touch of eros upon thy frame 

And softly, thine heart beloved  

calls for me;

come hither, my god to thee 

The Forbitten Fruit 

Speak to me about the everlasting consumption that eats the lovers on this earth alive 

 you, a tree that bears the fruits of right and wrong 

 cast your shadow over the heavenly meadows 

I shall bite into that honey-covered fruit 

that your branches have brought upon me 

and the ambrosial taste shall bring the lust alive in mine eyes 

on this eager tongue you can taste an eternal love 

that was bought with the price of my immortal soul 

As you have thus sullied my earthly body 

I shall gift you the beating heart from my chest 

to paint your lips the colour of freshly poured blood 

 as you bring that mouth near to taste this mortal flesh with a calculated kiss 

with thine flaming appetite, wanting 

Give me thy love devouring 

and I shall feed it with all my parts 

my mortal body is yours to take 

and the music of my soul shall follow your desires into the darkest of nights 

My corporation, weak beneath thy gaze 

finds its salvation in your embrace 

An Affair Between Heaven And Hell 

What is infernal love compared with ethereal hate 

give me thy heavenly rage 

and I will gift you sacrilegious devotion 

 as a sacrament to our souls combined 

Give thee me thy enchantment devouring 

and receive mine wicked smile 

for I shall drink thine kisses like ambrosia d’ivresse 

and thus the lascivious light in mine eyes shall follow thee into the darkest nightfall 

Those doomed men, who are arranged as libraries of misinformation in the ever-raging inferno 

have nothing to speak against our affirmation 

for our sacred love defies the definitions of sin and virtue 

and our bliss is only comparable to the flash of light 

that grew behind the eyes of burning Lucifer 

As he fell from the grace of God 

to the broiling pools of sulfur cursed for evermore 

this argal, had birthed the damned 

Get Thee Behind Me, Satan 

Get thee behind me, Satan 

for I don’t kneel in front of faces of occult or ethereal 

as my soul is first made damned last made sweet 

and my face turns into despicable smile 

as I walk behind the steps of Dante 

searching for little delights among infernal landscapes 

Get thee behind me, Satan 

for you have already shown me the wonders of the world 

and left me unimpressed 

there is no knowledge more serene than the realization of our charged innocence 

Get thee behind me, Satan 

for I have made my way out of your realm 

and as I walk free I revel in the awareness of clear air around me 

the smell of further adventures intoxicating as it hits my brain 

and I’m ready to embrace eternity as it enfolds me in the veil of sweet release 

Stand in front of me, Satan 

for this is the end of our journey 

and in a form of a kiss goodbye 

I bless your saturated mouth of debonair temptations 

Apokalypsi (ote lukion kuvataidediplomista, 2014) 

Kiinteää materiaa usvasta rakennettua, saavuttanut maallisen muodon ihmisen toimesta 

Kuten ihminen aikojen alussa loi Jumalan, on se myös itse kirjoittanut elämänkaarensa 

Ympyrä sulkeutumassa, muste loppumassa, hauta valmiiksi kaivettuna 

Hauraaseen papyrukseen, savilaattoihin, dataprosessoreihin rajoittui tämän lajin mielikuvitus 

Korjausprosessi mahdoton 

Tarinaa loppuun vievä käsi iholtaan kuulas, sienen valtaamat kynnet puristavat viimeistä sulkakynää täristen 

Kaihin lannistamien silmien näkökyky olematon, hauras iho puhkoutuu jo viimeisten rahisevien henkäysten ilmavirrasta 

Mutta etukäteen ohjelmoitu prosessi etenee vääjäämättä, veritahroista huolimatta 

Inhimillisten aistien ulottumattomissa 

Ja sivuja värittävät loppuunpalaneiden yksilöiden viimeiset haavekuvat 

Haavekuvat, jotka vääjäämättömän lopun partaalla ovat tavallista kirkkaampia 

Koska viimein se ymmärryksensä turruttanut ihmislaji siirsi syrjään usvaverho

Ja viimeiseksi teokseen näki 

Ensimmäisen ja viimeisen kerran koko elinkaarensa aikana

Siitäkin jäljellä enää tähtipölyä 

Mutta se pienen hetken ymmärrys riitti mullistamaan lajin kehityshistorian sen viimeisillä sekunneilla 

Harmi vain, ettei kukaan ollut paikalla sitä näkemässä 


Mustavalkoisen maailman valtakausi on ohi 

On lapsi tarttunut värityskirjaan ja täyttänyt sivut absurdilla maailmankatsomuksellaan 

Nyt spektrillä valaistulla estradilla 

Klovnit juoksevat etsimässä luvattua aarretta 

Eivätkä sateenkaaren täyttämät silmäkuopat enää kaipaa silmiään 

Mitä kaikkea me näemmekään! 

Valon tanssi luo väreistämme koreografian 

Jota noudattamalla saavutamme melankolialla höystetyn nirvanan 

Varokaa, sillä yksikin virheaskel voi tuoda takaisin mustavalkoisen maailman 

Sen irvikuvan, jota emme halua muistaa 

Mutta älkää pyyhkikö pois kyyneleitä 

Sillä ilman vesipisaroita emme näe sateenkaarta 

Värityskirjan sivut on edelleen helppo mitätöidä 

Joten nauttikaa niin kauan, kun voitte, sillä hurmoksenne mahdollistaa jonkun toisen alati virtaavat kyyneleet 

Mikä onkaan elämän tarkoitus? 

Siihen kysymykseen löysimme vastaukseksi elämän, jonka kaltaista emme tienneet olevankaan  

Mutta tämän väitteen todellisuus lepää ihmiskäsin valmistetulla paperilla, jonka pintaan pakotetun värin pysyvyys ei ole edes siihen verrattavissa 
